End Education Compulsion Now!
End compulsion and coercion in education because
1.) It is a paternalistic insult to the human being
2.) It is a violation of human rights
3.) It is against human dignity
4.) It is unnecessary: uncoerced children love to learn
5.) It hampers genuine discovery and development through free observations for the learner by the imposition of externally derived schemes and plans that fit a pre existing theory about what should be learned, when it should be learned and how the learning should be achieved.
6.) It hampers genuine discovery and development through free observations about the true nature of learning and human development by the imposition of pre existing theories as the framework that controls all learning.
7.) It sets up "experts" in a coercive system of learning and this limits diversity and distorts human potential and creativity.
Compulsion and coercion result in
1.) resentment which reduces the value of any education being imparted.
2.) the removal of choice.
3.) resistance to, and therefore impedance of, the learning process
4.) a compulsory system that fails every child for whom it is not suited and yet compels them to undergo their unsuitable education, thus preventing them from seeking a suitable alternative. These students are then labeled as "failures" or suffering from some dysfunction or specific learning disability.
5.) Avoidance of "education" including physical escape from education venues.
6.) The institution of an army of officials to patrol or "sweep" public areas, stopping and questioning citizens to ascertain whether a crime is being committed on the basis that one of the party is a child of compulsory education age and does not appear to be in a school. Unaccompanied children are also stopped and questioned and can be removed to another place by the police, if they cannot prove that they are not truanting from school. These children can be returned to the institution they are attempting to escape or held until their innocence is proved. Personal details are demanded from citizens going about their lawful business, by council officials, in order that citizens may be checked to prove their innocence or reported to the LA for being a home educating family out in a public area during "school hours."
7.) Duplicity in public policy in order to equip the truancy army and control the population. See the history of the use of the "Orwellian Memory Hole" by government to perpetuate illegitimate powers of the truancy army.
8.) Child suicides.
Compulsion - the tool of tyrants!
"He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future."
Adolf Hitler
"Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed." - Stalin
"Ideas are far more powerful than guns. We don't allow our enemies to have guns, why should we allow them to have ideas?"
Joseph Stalin
"Education, Education, Education" Tony Blair
"Education is my passion" Gordon Brown
Is compulsion justified?
In 1834 the Lord Chancellor, Lord Brougham and Vaux, was asked,
"Do you consider that a compulsary education would be justified, either on principles of public utility or expediency?"
to which he replied
"I am decidedly of the opinion that it is justifiable on neither; but, above all, I should regard anything of the kind as utterly destructive of the end it has in view.
Suppose the people of England were taught to bear it, and to be forced to educate their children by means of penalties, education would be made absolutely hateful in their eyes, and would speedily cease to be endured. They who have argued in favour of such a scheme from the example of a military government like that of Prussia have betrayed, in my opinion, great ignorance of the nature of Englishmen."
(Report of the Parliamentary Committee on the State of Education. 1834)
How Compulsion Hurts Us
Here are some ways that compulsion distorts our society and hurts our children. Please feel free to add your own perspectives...
Truancy: truancy only exists as a concept because school attendance is compulsory.
There are regular patrols of officials with policemen in our streets who stop and question children who are of "school age" and out in a public place. 63% of children stopped are not truanting.
Many adults have become uncomfortable if they notice children in a public place on a schoolday because of all the publicity about how these children should be in schools.
Children are removed by the authorities and taken to another place, with some authorities removing all children including home educated children who they believe should be at home in their 'place of education' or they are truanting.
While lone children are thus abducted without reasonable cause, adults out with children are also stopped and questions to investigate whether their child is a truant.
Children who are excluded from schools are not allowed out of the house into a public place for five days under order from the state.
Parents who cannot or do not enforce attendance at schools upon their children who are registered pupils are bullied with threats, tried in court, fined or even imprisoned. There is no defence, if your child has not attended school and the authorities have not accepted your reasons, your child is truant and you have committed an imprisonable offence.
Speaking of prisons ... schools:
children compulsorily attending schools are the subjects of various Orwellian adventures such as finger printing, being scanned routinely for possession of weapons, loss of personal privacy in routine record keeping and yearly reports to government, and see this from ARCH blog who report a school, ..."awash with new technology that they can lock every door in the building at the touch of a button, instantly transforming classrooms into communal cells and preventing anyone escaping out of the front door. They routinely lock the toilets during lesson-times - visits to the toilet are only allowed during break times."
History of Compulsory Education (video)
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