How should LAs respond if they hear that a child is not attending school




This is a flowchart which describes an appropriate series of decisions and actions for a Local Authority in England or Wales when they hear about a child who is not attending school.


It was created by Dani (Brighton), and she is happy to improve it, following suggestions from other home educators.


Please feel free to add comments here, or send them by email (link above).


This flowchart is available  for use by anyone who thinks it may help them to respond to government consultations, engage in dialogue with their local authority, etc.


The flowchart was updated on 18th August 2008, following some comments by Ian Dowty.  Further comments are still welcome.  In particular, if anyone knows what should happen next if an application for an Education Supervision Order is not granted, please let me know.  Thanks.


Further updated on 20th August 2008 (version 5), following more discussion by email and on the HE-Consult discussion list.


Further updated on 22nd August 2008 (version 6), following discussion on the ahedmembers discussion list.


25th August 2008:


Following discussion on ahedmembers and UKHE lists, here are two flowcharts.


Chart 1 is for LAs who hear about a child who is not attending school: CMEchart.pdf


Chart 2 is for LAs who have reason to believe a child in the area is not receiving a suitable education: Suitablechart.pdf