
Poole LA

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 10 months ago



A page for information, news and comment in Poole




related links:


Meeting the LA Education Department

Guidance on improving LEAs



EHE Consultation


In response to a FOI request for information about the LA response to the consultation on EHE guidelines, this was received:


"Further to your recent Freedom of Information request regarding the consultation on 'Elective Home Education - Guidelines for Local Authorities', may we apologise for the late response as it has taken some time to check with all the relevant members of staff as our EHE Advisor is currently on maternity leave.

However, it appears that although the relevant Strategy Manager is fully aware of the recent Guidelines, as a Local Authority, we did not feedback or respond at the time of it's publication.

Sorry we can not be of any further help with this Freedom of Information Request."

























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