Registration? JUST SAY NO!
The Badman Review on elective home education in England recommended that the DCSF establishes a compulsory national registration scheme for all children of statutory school age who are electively home educated. This scheme would be renewed annually and those registering for the first time would be visited by a local authority officer within one month of registration. However, it also states that the registration may be refused for "safeguarding" concerns. This makes it a licensing scheme, not a register.
Why I Will be Saying NO:
- I do not need a license to perform the duty placed on me by the law.
- I will not submit to the judgement of someone who is not responsible for my child.
- My children will not be seen by or speak to someone if they don't want to.
- My children will not perform so that someone can tick a box.
See also: Say NO to a Forward Plan

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